Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sneaky Plastics

We're starting to see a pattern.

We're pretty good at avoiding the plastics we know about. But plastics are everywhere, and sometimes they sneak into our lives without our being aware of them. The straw that comes with the drink you order. The tiny spout under the metal lid on a glass jar of olive oil. The party favors.

The what? Well, I had a mammogram earlier this week, a process that entails an impressive amount of squashing of delicate female parts. They want you to come back every year, so they entice you to the office with free coffee and Sudoku puzzles, and when the strange indignity is over they give you a present. My present was wrapped in brown paper with a pink bow, but when I got it home it turned out to be bath crystals in, wouldn't you know it, a plastic bag.

I think this year of no plastics is going to turn on anticipating these tiny acts of plastic transfer, and getting into some habits: "NO BAG." "NO LID." "NO STRAW." "No, thank you."

1 comment:

  1. I felt pretty good about being able to spot the odd times plastic shows up (well aware of that little plastic bit to the olive oil bottle as I try to remove those with some regularity for the glass recycling...), but this was a surprising story.
